New Feature 1.9: Condition Escort Categories

Hauptmenü und Backup

A better overview of the Conditions created from the Condition Escort, but also of the programming with AgenaScript was a desire of many customers, and here we were able to take a step further in the direction of usability and customer support.

In Version 1.8 it was already possible to assign a category to a condition, with which a category was then displayed in the indicators window, making it clearer to see. But the categories were still missing directly in the context menu Conditon Escort. This missing component has now been added.

Backup Zeitplan

Exchange transactions are associated with significant risks. Those who trade on the financial and commodity markets must familiarize themselves with these risks. Possible analyses, techniques and methods presented here are not an invitation to trade on the financial and commodity markets. They serve only for illustration, further education, and information purposes, and do not constitute investment advice or personal recommendations in any way. They are intended only to facilitate the customer’s investment decision, and do not replace the advice of an investor or specific investment advice. The customer trades completely at his or her own risk.