Effectively managing time zones in AgenaTrader

The current time is always important for a trader, whether to help you not to overlook the next FED meeting or to keep an eye on the stock exchange opening in America, and so on. In order for you to always have an eye on the current time, starting with the V1.9, the current time will be displayed directly in the AgenaTrader toolbar.

The displayed time is read from your PC by default. However, you can also very simply enter several time zones and switch between these with just a click.

Time display in menu

Time zones

With a click on the time in the toolbar, you open the TimeZoneEscort; the (standard) time zone given here has been read from your computer on which AgenaTrader is installed.

To add a further time zone, right-click in the grey area and select “Add TimeZone”.
To add, for example, Tokyo, assign the desired name to the time zone and under TimeZone, select “(UTC +09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokio”. With a click on “OK” this time zone is added.

Time is read from PC
Add/edit time zone

In the row for Tokyo, the local time and date in Tokyo are now shown. The analog clock now also displays the local time in Tokyo.

You can set up as many time zones as you want, meaning that you immediately have an overview of the times all around the world. This information can be very interesting if you want to check what time it is on the stock exchange on which you are currently trading securities, or also purely out of interest, if you want to find out the local times at the other end of the world.

All time zones at a glance


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