It all depends on how we look at things, not on how they are in themselves.

Carl Jung

Dear AgenaTrader users, dear customers!

The past year has impressively proven to us that some things cannot be changed and thus has left many people with a feeling of powerlessness. But it has also taught us that we have the power to decide for ourselves how to deal with those things. As arduous and at times horrific as the impact of COVID-19 has been and continues to be, it has spurred a disruptive – and creative – process that has pushed us to our limits and forced us to rediscover and reinvent ourselves. Now it’s up to us to seize this momentum and move into 2021 with fresh energy and new ideas.

We are proud and happy to serve you as our clients! Thank you for choosing us and placing your trust in us. We look forward to being there for you again this year. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for respecting the Christmas break in ticket support so that the support team was able to take the necessary time off over the holidays.

With this in mind, we wish you a successful and healthy 2021!

Your AgenaTrader Team

Minor Release of V2.7.5.207 

Sneak Peek on V2.8.0

New year – new release: AgenaTrader version V2.7.5.207 recently went live as a minor release. This version comes with important performance and security updates as well as numerous improvements. You can find all the details in our Release Notes.

But we would like to take this opportunity to whet your appetite for V2.8.0 right now. The AgenaTrader team is already working at full speed on the implementation of exciting topics such as OptionsAdvanced, Fundamentals Professional and Multiple Future Expiries and much more.

We cannot reveal more at this point, but you can be curious. Of course we will keep you up to date!

Webinar recordings of the week

What’s new in V2.7.5? That’s new in V2.7.5:

Agena In The CloudEOD Fundamental ScreenerScanner SettingsNew color settingsMT5 ConnectorFutures CalendarxTick-EOD data feedTaiPan-New APICQG-AMP- Interface

Just click through the features or watch the whole webinar here (only available in German).

Tip of the week: The AgenaTrader- and trading glossary

Did you know that in the AgenaTrader you have a detailed glossary available, where you can look up numerous terms about the AgenaTrader and trading in general?

In addition to general trading terms like „Ask/Bid“, „CFDs“ or „margin“ you can find all AgenaTrader terms: organized by thematic sections, you can find, amongst others, short descriptions of AgenaTrader functionalities, order types and AT++. Besides to those brief explanations there is a link for every term with further details and descriptions.

Via Support -> Glossary in the AgenaTrader MainToolBar you can open the glossary in a new window. You can also find the glossary here in our Online Help.